Did you know that according to recent medical reports that anywhere between 20-75% of all men who suffer from diabetes also will suffer from erectile dysfunction? That’s a rather large number, and it represents a shockingly consistent census that indeed diabetes and erectile dysfunction are linked.

The main culprit between the linking of these two is that diabetes can create higher than normal blood sugar levels, which can damage the healthy blood cells in your body (the large ones and the small ones), and have a great impact upon your ability to get and to maintain an erection.

Without the usage of proper medications to treat this disease, in combination with erectile dysfunction medications to increase blood flow to the penile artery, the already small blood vessels in the penis can be hampered, thus inducing frequent instances of erectile dysfunction.

Diabetes Does More Than Just Effect Blood Cells According to Ajay Nehra, MD, professor of urology at the Mayo Clinic, “Diabetes also results in nerve dysfunction and, in the penile shaft, [which causes] the muscle starts to atrophy and is replaced by scar tissue or collagen rather than smooth muscle. That’s the ultimate end result in men.”

So ensuring that you are taking your medication every day is essential to overall health and to good sexual health as well. You can also see a doctor to discuss your options with using medications for erectile dysfunction, and to review what different medications are available to you.

Options with Erectile Dysfunction Medications for Diabetes Most people who have diabetes will be able to use conventional erectile dysfunction therapy. However, this is something that you will want to fully discuss with your physician, as a disease like diabetes requires a careful approach in order to safely deal with, especially when considering adding any medications for erectile dysfunction to the regiment, which can increase blood flow and circulation. You always want to ensure that you will not be compromising your health by using erectile dysfunction medications with your diabetes medications.

Natural Medications for Erectile Dysfunction You have natural treatment options as well, found in herbal erectile dysfunction therapy. They may be more affordable for you as an option, which many people prefer because diabetes is already fairly costly to treat. As with any treatments for erectile dysfunction, review your options and print out the ingredients list so that you can review it with your doctor before purchasing and using it.

Even if you have diabetes, it does not have to be the sexual death sentence to your intimate life. You can still enjoy amazingly hot and steamy sex, you just have to exercise caution with your approach to using erectile dysfunction medications, and you can effectively treat this sexual disorder.


dec 14 2011 ∞
dec 14 2011 +