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The school year is coming to a close, the weather is perfect, and I'm starting to dream about days with nothing going on. Hurray for June!

  • June 1st: Kind of a bad start to the morning, but something about sidewalk chalk and kids just makes you smile. Watched Wrath of Khan with the husband, which also makes me smile. Such overacting! Also, canoed with fellow teachers, who I love.
  • June 2nd: Free flowers from a fellow teacher, which I promptly planted in the front garden. My lawn is having an identity crisis... lots of weeds interspersed with a random array of flowers, fruit, and vegetables. Time will tell if this was a good idea or not.
  • June 3rd: Healthy salad with Julie, followed by a pound of doughnuts and some barbeque. MMMMMm
  • June 6th: Art show+sushi+ free beer and pizza+ good friend visiting = faboo
  • June 7th: Brunch, kickball, cupcakes
  • June 10th: I got paid to go to Mt Olympus with a bunch of cool 8th graders. What a great job!
  • June 12: I survived my first year as a middle school teacher! Woo!
  • June 16th: Artist trading cards, port, cheese, and dinner with a dear friend of mine (Jessica)
  • June 19th: Housewarming. So it rained, and then we had insulation being put in that took 4 hours longer than it was supposed to, but we somehow pulled off what I thought was a pretty good Tasteless Tshirt party. I rle
  • June 20th: Family in town. I cleaned the house 3 times in 24 hours between the party, insulation, and family arriving. It was still good to have them (and a great excuse for not cleaning for a week or two after)
  • June 27th: college reunion with dear friends at a lake in Michigan. 'Nuf said.
jun 2 2009 ∞
jul 8 2009 +