I tried really, really hard to be positive about February. It's so hard! The shortest month of the year somehow feels the longest, with cold, dreary, slushy days and very little sunlight. There is hope in March. Spring happens! We move the clocks forward (which is a pain, but it means that we're getting closer to the solstice.
- March 1st: No longer February! Zoomed around town with the rents and the brother. Shopped and ate. Life is good.
- March 3rd: Square root day. There's only 3 in a century. I know, my nerd's showing. But it's kind of a cool day. Celebrated by going to a rustic townie bar with a good friend for old fashioneds.
- March 4th: Lobsterfest with my gourmand friends. Not exactly a gourmand kind of place, but we do love it anyways.
- March 6th: My first Art show at my new school. Then off to the broacach to celebrate Eli's birthday. Terrible service, but I was happy to see my man surrounded by so many good people.
- March 12: Last Spanish class. Thank god. The practice was good, but the instructor's style did nothing for me.
- March 13: Bike-O-Rama. I bought my first real bike (I'm not counting the Walmart $99 special from 1997.) It's red and white and shiny and has bumpers. I'm in love.
- March 14: Brought home a real dining room table. It's walnut and large and has turned legs. Now I just need to go to thrift stores and antique shops for mismatched chairs. After this weekend, my tax refund is spent.
- March 17: I started learning how to knit a sweater at the cutest little yarn shop in town. Let's hope third time's a charm.
- March 23: Hung up out with my little, Kylie. Played Wii sports and ate ice cream at Ella's Deli.
- March 27th: Made it through 3rd quarter. One to go! Found out that my budget is-- no exaggeration-- 10 times what it was in Beloit. Went on an ordering frenzy.
- Marcy 29th: Gave in to sloth and read, watched movies, and cooked. A very good Sunday.