and so we put goldfish in the pool (2017)

  • you have to wait to taste the best food / cooking reflects your heart / when things are hard, remember the scent of the land, the wind and sun here, then i know you can dust yourself off and get up again. let’s think of it as a start of a long trip to return home well little forest
  • i think it's the same with people. i see in them little details, so specific to each of them, that move me, and that i miss, and... will always miss. you can never replace anyone, because everyone is made of such beautiful specific details before sunset
  • you know how everyone's always saying seize the moment? i don't know, i'm kinda thinking it's the other way around. you know, like the moment seizes us/ yeah. yeah, i know. it's constant -the moment. it's just... it's like it's always right now, you know? boyhood
  • is there something i should be doing right now? / no, dear. you eat / we came over to sit / that's what people do when tragedy strikes / they come over, and sit lars and the real girl
  • there is one thing we must remember in our lifetime. we weren’t born into this world to suffer or feel miserable. we were born to be happy our blues
jan 14 2022 ∞
aug 8 2022 +