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  • Skipping the class, sleeping while the teachers explain somefuckingthings whatevers.
  • Drawing some random sketchs and drafted some manga schemes on the sketchbook.
  • Keeping an eye out for everything, literally everything ranging from gathering irrelevant-seeming tidbits to measurable whatever things.
  • Playing my jazz playlist all night long while others are sleeping.
  • Reading everything on the internet, from porn to socmed whatevers, law stuff to economic whatevers, science to marketing whatevers.
  • Reading shoujo or shonen mangas.
  • Saying “fuck yeah!!!” too many times.
  • Sleeping during some useless classes at school in order to be getting up at night. Yes, I'm a nocturnal.
  • Watching doramas.
  • Watching educational, politics, economics, anthropology, ecology, general science, physics, or whatevers talkshow on TV.
  • Writing whataver on my minds, without knowing what it's for.
jul 29 2011 ∞
nov 10 2015 +