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Recently I read a psychological book from Robert S. Feldman, "Understanding Psychology". I found some cases and these unsolved questions are still lingering on my head:

First, I would like to give you some statements.

  • An intense masturbation can turn into a mental disorder.
  • At the time people grow old, their leisure will change drastically.
  • Babies love their mother because the mother fullfil their biological needs such as foods, clothes, etc.
  • Geniuses generally are bad at socializing with others.
  • Majority of adults refuse to give an electrical shock towards others.
  • Parents have to do everything they could do to ensure their children have high self-esteem, pride, and strong feeling so that they can compete well in the society.
  • People who is suffering from schizophrenia have at least two personalities.
  • Someone who talks about suicide doesn't seem to kill him/herself.
  • The best way to make sure the stabilization of propriate behaviour will be mantained until the training complete is giving them appreciations during the training instead of giving it certain times.
  • The IQ score of children have unsignificant effect in their schooling activity.

Have you read it? Can you believe those statements above are all false? Then, finally, my questions are: WHY? And... HOW? I'm going to read further chapters and doing some exploration about that on the internet. If I could solve the questions and had a time, I would post it on my blog.

jul 15 2012 ∞
jul 15 2012 +