• Burlesque performers AU
  • School Play
  • Carnival {Satsu gets dragged to the carnival, but has made plans to make the day better for her later on~ fufufufu. Cecile + water = nice sticky clothing. Change into light dress that becomes transparent when water hits it? Oops glass spilled, no bra on, Satsu's gonna eat it lol}
  • Fight {Satsumi saying hurtful things. Cecile snaps and Satsumi brushes it off. Cecile pouts alone in the bathroom until kiss and make-up.}
  • Physical {Natsumi gets curious and wants to check cuties' underwear. Cecile is groped and not happy. Satsumi inside Natsumi going crazy while Natsumi says her measurements. Satsumi comes out, does not want to see Cecil because of impure thoughts. Cecil goes after her worried}
  • Henna {Students experiment with tattooing Henna. Satsumi does hand on Cecile, swirl that goes to elbow. Cecil does Satsumi's arm, draws a sun and a moon}
  • Arcade date (?)
  • Separated

-part 1: they are separated/missing/cecil gets a ticket and flies to france -part two: she arrives/meet the parents/satsumi wakes up -part 3: happy to see each other/keep shit secret/spy mommy -part 4: mommy knows, they talk, mommy's alright with it/they celebrate with sex everywhere -part 5: they're happy, vacations are over, they go back together and nobody cares one bit about natsuki because we're horrible people

  • Medieval. Cecile is adopted into a high class family, Satsumi is farmer girl by day (Natsumi) and competes on the knight games by night. Cecile's father asks the knights to accompany his daughters to the city and Satsumi obliges.
  • Hunger Games plot
  • Day after tomorrow plot
  • Sickness/Taking care of
  • 1800s AU where their dads are business friends and Satsumi's dad wants her to be more 'feminine' so pushes Satsumi to hang out with Cecile. Cecile likes to climb trees and her own house with cute shorts and Satsumi uses 'male' clothing and is generally annoyed by easygoing Cecile. Something about Satsumi bringing her milk and something about an attic??? I don't remember. (Obvious bulletpoint written by Kei is obvious I can't remember shyT)
  • Coffee Shop AU?
aug 26 2013 ∞
dec 3 2013 +