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one of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. perfection simply doesn’t exist... without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist.

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ʟᴇᴛɪᴄɪᴀ Wishlist; ♡ (lista de desejos)
(about me)
  • "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader."
  • your scores indicate that you are:
    • Not likely to discriminate on the basis of race or sexual orientation.
    • More likely to be pro-choice rather than pro-life.
    • Likely to feel trapped by the status quo.
    • Likely to enjoy complex and abstract discussions.
    • Likely to be more knowledgeable on academic topics.
    • Less likely to have a tolerant attitude towards smoking.
    • More likely to favor harsh criminal punishments over milder ones.
    • Less likely to watch TV and read the news, preferring instead to follow your own interests.
    • Less likely to mobilize your friends in your own interests, preferring instead to immerse yourself in your interests in solitude.
    • Someone who seems impassive to others, while being in fact quite sure of your own views.
    • More likely to frequently change jobs and partners.
    • More likely to end up in jail or to get in trouble with the law.
    • More likely to generally disagree with your immediate friends and family.
    • More likely to stand your ground and push back against people who are hostile to you, or with whom you are in disagreement.
    • More likely to support the use of capital punishment.
    • Less likely to take a favorable view of government welfare programs.
    • Less likely to enjoy fitness training and physical exercise.
    • Less likely to believe in any kind of dogma that you regard as settled in stone.
    • More likely to flirt with harm and danger.
    • More likely to have insurance or to belong to a labor union.
    • More likely than the average person to enjoy bitter vegetables like broccoli and arugula.
nov 15 2017 ∞
nov 15 2017 +