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one of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. perfection simply doesn’t exist... without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist.

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(about me)
  • What causes the anxiety: feeling unprepared. Fives spend their whole lives collecting knowledge in order to be prepared for when something that requires all their knowledge eventually happens, so they will finally have the “strength” to face it. Knowledge means power to fives, and this power provides them with comfort in their surroundings.
  • How it’s approached: devoid of feelings. “How can I fix this problem?” Feelings are split off because not only are they messy, but they would make the problem worse, which would cause type 5 to be ten times more anxious than usual. The anxiety turns into a concept, and type fives step outside of themselves to overcome it, as if they were dealing with someone else’s problem. Feeling overwhelmed by the outside world leads fives to retreat into their minds to objectively analyze the situation, and as a result, they disengage from the actual experience.
  • The stem fear of this Enneagram type is feeling uncomfortable in their environment, which is why type fives surround themselves in solitude and refrain asking for help from others. This leads to a minimalist lifestyle, which is exactly what type fives crave. They think, “if I ask for nothing from you, then you should ask for nothing from me.” They often feel smothered by the needs they’ve been meaning to attend to, which they have either been procrastinating on or completely ignoring.
jul 9 2016 ∞
jul 9 2016 +