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one of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. perfection simply doesn’t exist... without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist.

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(about me)
  • what stress out an intp
    • Being in an environment where they feel controlled by others.
    • Not being allowed to go with the flow of the moment.
    • Being required to do simple and repetitive tasks.
    • Being surrounded by individuals they see as incompetent.
    • A lack of autonomy.
    • Being in charge of the quality of another person’s work.
    • Not enough alone time. Too much extraverting.
    • Being immersed in emotionally charged environments.
    • Being in a place where their expertise is not appreciated.
    • People “barging in” on their space.
    • Not having their strongly held values validated.
  • When an INTP begins to experience stress, they often feel highly self-critical and powerless. If stress continues, the INTP feels as if their mind is blocked and they can’t access all the vital information they’ve stored there. Their creativity comes to a halt and they may suffer from stage fright, writer’s block, and a general inhibition of their usual ingenious thinking. The INTP may become self-conscious and distracted in anticipation of failure. If they become too overwhelmed with stress, they may stop taking any risks and fail to gain the expertise and mastery they need. In the case of chronic stress, the INTP may fall into the grip of their inferior function, extroverted feeling. This may cause them to have uncharacteristic emotional outbursts, and become edgy, illogical, inefficient and obsessed with details
  • how to help an intp experiencing stress
    • Give them alone time and space.
    • Excuse them from some of their responsibilities.
    • Let them get away from everything.
    • Don’t ask them how they feel or if they’re okay.
    • Encourage them to have some alone time exercising.
    • Let them know it’s okay to feel unreasonable sometimes.
    • Stay out of the way and forgive out-of-characteristic behavior
jul 7 2016 ∞
jul 7 2016 +