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one of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. perfection simply doesn’t exist... without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist.

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(about me)
  • Extraverted Intuition (Ne) deals with experiencing the outer world, noticing possibilities, and what could be. Ne deals with seeing how all things in life are interrelated, and allows the user to see the world in multiple different perspectives.
  • The two primary users of Extraverted Intuition (Ne) are the ENFP and ENTP. They have extraverted intuition as their first main function. The INTP and INFP have Extraverted Intuition as their secondary function.
  • Extraverted Intuition is always seeing possibilities. They always want to know “what could be”. They are adept at understanding the external environment, but they always want to take it one step further. They wonder, “if I change this, what will happen?”
  • The Ne user is always striving for growth or improvement. Extraverted Intuition can give them a sense of idealism and the desire to want to impact the world.
  • Extraverted Intuition also has the ability to make obscure connections. The Ne user can take two seemingly unrelated topics and bring them together. This can also cause the user to have an off-beat sense of humor.
  • Extraverted Intuition is a right brained function. The Ne user tends to have a very creative mind. The world and workplaces tend to favor left brained activities, so it would be wise for the Ne user to develop a creative outlet for this function, whether it’s through writing, music, art, or any other activity that allows self expression.
  • Extraverted Intuitives also have a very entrepreneurial mindset. Ne users see possibilities of what could be all around them. They have a desire to make things happen and “put a dent in the world.” Extraverted Intuitives can get very excited about these possibilities, making them naturally charismatic. Ne users can be inspiring leaders that are catalysts for change.
  • People with Extraverted Intuition should seek to find a position or niche in the world where they can lead a team to promote change. This would be very fulfilling for them and help them to grow as a person.
  • Extraverted Intuition can also cause some problems. People with heavy use of Ne always have a desire for things to change. This can cause problems in relationships. They can have a tendency to become bored and want to move on once they have figured everything out.
  • The desire for change can also cause health and other problems. The Ne user’s desire for novel experiences may cause them to neglect daily needs. They may ignore resting when they are sick, or eating a proper diet. They also can be bad with money management, performing daily routines, and paying bills. If these issues are neglected for too long, they can become a point of stress.
  • One area that an Extraverted Intuition user should be careful to pay attention to is seeking too much external output. If the user is only focusing on new experiences without taking the time for personal reflection, they may just be spinning their wheels are not learning anything.
  • The ENFP and INFP should focus on developing their Introverted Feeling Function to compliment their Ne. They should take in experiences and compare them to their own personal value system. This will help them learn more about themselves and what they believe.
  • The ENTP and INTP should use Introverted Thinking to analyze the experiences they have. They can use this new information to form new theories and new understandings of how the world works.
aug 30 2016 ∞
aug 30 2016 +