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one of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. perfection simply doesn’t exist... without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist.

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  • Introverted Intuition (Ni) deals with understanding how the world works through internal intuitive analysis. Ni relies on gut feelings and intuition about a situation to help them understand. Introverted Intuition does not look at what is seen. Introverted Intuition forms an internal map and framework of how things work. The map is slowly adapted and adjusted over time to allow the user to get a better sense of the “big picture of things” and what steps to take to get the desired outcome.
  • Introverted Intuition will take pieces of abstract information and make sense of it. It is not interested so much in concrete facts, as it is with the essence of ideas and theories, and how they all fit together. They are very good at recognizing patterns.
  • Introverted Intuition may sense that something is off. They may notice a person’s tone of voice, a momentary pause, or body language that is incongruent to how they typically behave. These factors are observed in a more abstract way, making it difficult for the Ni user to explain their conclusion to others. They just get an overall feel or aura of the situation.
  • Introverted Intuition can actually be compared very similarly with Introverted Sensing. Both take into account past events and how they unfolded. While Introverted Sensing will remember the facts and details of a past experience, Introverted Intuition will recall the essence of what happened and how events eventually played out. Ni users can take past experiences to assess a current situation, and then use this memory bank of experiences of what they sense will happen to envision whether a plan will be successful.
  • Ni users are also good at creating a persona. They understand how the world perceives people. They can create a vision of what they want to become, and take steps toward accomplishing their goal. For example, an Ni user can notice “If I wear a this suit here and present my story this way, I have a good chance of getting an investment for my business.” They understand what objects and events symbolize and how they can use them to their advantage.
  • Introverted Intuition asks questions like “what’s really going on here?” or “where have I felt this way before?” Introverted Intuition is one of the toughest functions to explain to someone else that doesn’t have it. Because of this, Ni has been labeled as “mystical” and “psychic.” And sure, it can appear that way to others, but it is more complex and involved than just “magically” coming to conclusions.
  • People with Introverted Intuition would be wise to develop their Extraverted Feeling or Extraverted Thinking function. An Ni user that is “too in their head” can come up with some unrealistic and imaginative interpretations of events.
  • Remember that Introverted Intuition is only as good as all the experiences one has had in their life. Denying new experiences will cause Ni to be less accurate over time. Extraverted Feeling and Extraverted Thinking deal more with observing the outside world. This will give the Ni user a sense of balance and better understanding of what is going on outside of their heads, as well as help ground the user. Going into new situations and observing without a preconceived bias will help the person to understand the dynamics of the world. The Ni user would do best to come to their conclusions after the experience is over instead of during it.
aug 30 2016 ∞
aug 30 2016 +