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one of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. perfection simply doesn’t exist... without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist.

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(about me)
  • strengths
    • great analyst & abstract thinker
    • maginative & original
    • open-minded
    • enthusiastic
    • objective
    • honest & straightforward
  • weaknesses
    • very private & withdrawn
    • insensitive
    • absent-minded
    • condescending
    • loathe rules & guidelines
    • second-guess themselves
  • turn-on: understanding
  • turn-off: manipulation
  • what stresses INTP out
    • being in an environment where they feel controlled by others.
    • not being allowed to go with the flow of the moment.
    • being required to do simple and repetitive tasks.
    • being surrounded by individuals they see as incompetent.
    • a lack of autonomy.
    • being in charge of the quality of another person’s work.
    • not enough alone time. Too much extraverting.
    • being immersed in emotionally charged environments.
    • being in a place where their expertise is not appreciated.
    • people “barging in” on their space.
    • not having their strongly held values validated
  • how to help an INTP experiencing stress
    • give them alone time and space
    • excuse them from some of their responsibilities
    • let them get away from everything
    • don’t ask them how they feel or if they’re okay
    • encourage them to have some alone time exercising
    • let them know it’s okay to feel unreasonable sometimes
    • stay out of the way and forgive out-of-characteristic behavior
  • how INTP handle grief
    • bury their feelings
    • not good at opening in front of others
  • how INTP handle guilt
    • over-analytical
    • pressure themselves to do better
  • what INTP are like when sad
    • appear apathetic & disinterested
    • dislike feeling vulnerable
  • what INTP need after a bad day
    • a new project to distract them from self-destructive thoughts
  • what INTP do when angry
    • ignores their anger for years at a time until they eventually snap unexpectedly and spew snarky insults about the opposing party’s intelligence.
  • what INTP should do instead
    • take note of when and why they’re feeling angry, rather than pushing it down, in order to avoid outbursts.
  • what INTP struggle with
    • giving words of affirmation
  • what INTP are hard on themselves for
    • constantly feel like they should be do better
  • INTP’s purpose in life is
    • seek that which is unknown
  • what INTP need to know
    • emotions aren’t scary monsters, and you are not void of them. Being vulnerable is not the worst thing in the world. It is okay to live in the moment, and not feel guilty for it.
  • what INTP should never forget
    • you are capable of true warmth. We value your intelligence and are thankful for your unique views and understanding. You are always someone we can depend on to solve the problem at hand.
  • from:
dec 6 2016 ∞
dec 6 2016 +