saur's listography
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(watched in 2013, total: 120)
les miserables (2013)
the last tycoon (2013)
gangster squad (2013)
bullet to the head (2013)
love (2013)
together (2013)
oz the great and powerful (2013)
warm bodies (2013)
oblivion (2013)
iron man 3 (2013)
star trek into darkness (2013)
fast and furious 6 x 3 (2013)
the great gatsby (2013)
pacific rim (2013)
the wolverine (2013)
ripd (2013)
the internship (2013)
the mortal instruments (2013)
man of steel (2013)
upside down (2013)
spud (2010)
8 women (2002)
21 jump street (2012)
atlantis the lost empire (2001)
cloudy with a chance of meatballs (2009)
the fox and the hound (1981)
dead poet's society (1989)
die hard 1 (1988)
die hard 3 (1995)
fast and furious 1 (2001)
fast and furious 2 (2003)
fast and furious 3 (2006)
fast and furious 4 (2009)
fast and furious 5 (2011)
les chansons d amour (2007)
minority report (2002)
national treasure (2004)
rise of the guardians (2012)
run lola run (1998)
tangled (2010)
the boondock saints (1999)
the royal tenenbaums (2001)
shawshank redemption (1994)
godfather 1 (1972)
the triplets of belleville (2003)
the illusionist (2010)
the killer (1989)
downfall (2004)
thor (2011)
source code (2011)
funny face (1957)
catch me if you can (2002)
the artist (2011)
charlie and the chocolate factory (2005)
world war z (2013)
monsters university (2013)
gi joe retaliation (2013)
django unchained (2013)
the bling ring (2013)
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (2004)
treasure planet (2002)
taken (2008)
the grey (2011)
jumanji (1995)
sherlock holmes (2009)
2 guns (2013)
mean streets (1973)
shield of straw (2013)
the world's end (2013)
iron man (2008)
runner runner (2013)
American beauty (1999)
red (2010)
prisoners (2013)
byzantium (2013)
insidious 2 (2013)
gravity (2013)
cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 (2013)
frankenstein (1931)
the darjeeling limited (2007)
lost in translation (2003)
the truman show (1998)
the escape plan (2013)
percy jackson and the sea of monsters (2013)
badges of fury (2013)
now you see me (2013)
thor 2 (2013)
bluebeard (2009)
the aquatic life of steve zissou (2004)
best boy (1979)
megamind (2010)
ender's game (2013)
true grit (2010)
the terminator (1984)
lincoln (2012)
frozen (2013)
searching for sugar man (2012)
albert nobbs (2011)
50/50 (2011)
the green hornet (2011)
the last days on mars (2013)
the hobbit: desolation of smaug (2013) X2
lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring (2001)
lord of the rings: the two towers (2002)
lord of the rings: the return of the king (2003)
twilight (2008)
the hobbit: an unexpected journey (2012)
the princess bride (1987)
the iron giant (1999)
tokyo godfathers (2003)
leaving las vegas (1995)
moonrise kingdom (2012)
ponyo (2008)
pom poko (the racoon wars) (1994)
omoide poro poro (1991)
47 ronin (2013)
face/off (1997)
elysium (2013)
scarface (1983)
the secret life of walter mitty (2013)
sep 4 2013 ∞
dec 31 2018 +