• Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
    • much better than i expected considering i neverrr read books like this and only picked it up because mom had it lying around. so funny and touching. i want to go back to bali someday...
  • Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder
    • very deep. +_+ somewhat mind boggling. but good. although all the characters annoy me for some reason... -_-x also i don't think i can handle some of the culture bits. i'm just too darn asian.
  • Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane
  • The Men Who Stare at Goats by Jon Ronson
    • it's non-fiction?? really?? awesome book~ maybe i should go see the movie now.
  • She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb
    • Well, that was depressing. one of those books that i really wanted to stop reading early on but told myself would be a waste of money if i left unfinished. anyway, if i lived by this book, i would determine that all man are cheating lying aholes and that uh, women aren't that great either. in other words, humanity is doomed -_-"
  • Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
    • So I started reading this because I saw a fb comment about Bella from Twilight (ughx100) liking this book, and then something something fu twilight... but i decide to read the book. go figure. i really like it, the... turbulence of it. my first gothic novel? it makes me miss ib english so much - i bet discussions with mrs. hughes would shed some light on the book and help me understand it better~!
  • The Princess Bride by William Goldman
    • Ehehehe so i was totally fooled and thought i was reading an abridgement of morgenstern. ehehe :P i love the book. it's so funny. buttercup is annoying. i want to watch the movie again. fezzik is so cool~! ^-^
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larson
    • it started out super dense and boring, but it's actually very interesting and the ending was pretty unexpected - i guess it's kind of cheap that the ending was a total surprise but it was a good thing too =P i don't know if i should check out the trilogy or not... tgwtdt is a good book, but way too much free sex. the adult world is scary ToT
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
    • yep i'm the last person in the world to read it. yes, i really liked it. rip all the awesome people who died, and snape you were far more of a man than i ever imagined.
  • The Gathering by Anne Enright
    • this messed with my mind. also, if this book is anything to go by, lots and lots of kids = bad. very bad. for all involved.
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur S. Clarke
    • this messed with my mind - in an awesome way. mind bending.
  • The Color Purple by Alice Walker
    • so sad. -shakes fist at /men/kind-
  • Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
    • super exciting. a real thriller =P i should really get around to watching the movies someday haha. also, humanity can be very dumb. the little girl was annoying too.
  • High Rhulain by Brian Jacques
    • Er, the worst Redwall book i've read yet -_-... seriously, why can't there be a GOOD villain for once? the book always goes on and on about how diabolical they are, but these big baddies really don't ever manage to do much but kill their own soldiers in fits of anger and get into family fights that is in the end what leads them to be killed off by smaller bands of non-diabolical, non-murderous creatures. i still love redwall, but i'm starting to have doubts about the series as a whole...
  • The Diving Bell and the Butterfly by Jean-Dominique Bauby
    • Sweet and gives a good look into the head of the author. Uplifting, and less "lets pound the audience with morals using a 100kg steel hammer" as compared to Tuesdays with Morrie... -_-;;
  • The Girl who Played with Fire by Stieg Larson
    • I'm really glad i decided to get the second book on a whim. it's super exciting, just as much as the first, and with the way the 2nd ended it seems now that i HAVE to pick up the 3rd book soon~ also, men really really do suck.
may 26 2010 ∞
jan 1 2011 +