• The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood
    • it drags a bit in places, but overall very, very good. the complicated plot ties together beautifully and somberly at the end and is a great read. also, finally the main protagonist who i root for gets um... the best of the story i suppose, although that's not saying much... anyway, very good.
  • Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
    • very darkly funny. true black comedy... i thought it was going to be more light hearted and sarcastic at first, but shit hits the fan as you go on and the book gets more intense without losing its funny edge, which steadily gets blacker. very good.
  • The Soloist by Steve Lopez
    • touching story. as someone who spends 3/4 of the year in a place overrunning with homeless people, it was very insightful.
  • High Fidelity by Nick Hornby
    • at first i was kind of annoyed with it because it's basically a book about the mind of (stupid...) guys. but still, it was an interesting and very... realistic book, although all his revelations happened a little fast at the end. anyway i don't know what to think about hornby, his books are good and very funny but i just don't think i'm that interested in the material he tackles.
  • The Elegence of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery
may 23 2011 ∞
jan 2 2012 +