- kitchenette
- anywho
- guesstimate
- happenstance
- credenza (anyone who knows what this is, let alone uses the word without irony, is a giant wanker)
- ironical (it just sounds wrong, even though it isn't)
- co-inkydink (you know, like cutese for 'coincidence')
- invite, as a noun as in "thanks for the invite." Is that even correct? Shouldn't it be "invitation?"
RELATED: words describing things that will automatically make me hate the thing in question no matter how cool it is:
- whimsical
- heartwarming
- precious
- inspirational
- comical (things with that word never are)
- unique (see above)
MORE RELATIONS: words that are inherently funny
- loaf
- humps
- sextant
- coxswain (what is it with nautical terminology? see also: poop deck)