- Computer Science
- 15-100: Introductory/Intermediate Programming
- 15-111: Intermediate/Advanced Programming
- 15-211: Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms
- 15-213: Introduction to Computer Systems
- 15-410: Operating System Design and Implementation
- 15-411: Compiler Design
- 15-440: Distributed Systems
- 15-441: Computer Networks
- 15-415: Database Applications
- 15-462: Computer Graphics
- 10-601: Machine Learning
- 11-411: Natural Language Processing
- Mathematics
- 21-476 Ordinary Differential Equations
- 21-441 Number Theory
- 21-380 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling
- 21-372 Partial Differential Equations
- 21-371 Functions of a Complex Variable
- 21-357 Sequence and Series of Functions
- 21-365 Projects in Applied Mathematics
- 21-366 Topics in Applied Mathematics
- 21-350 History of Mathematics
- 21-292 Operations Research I
- Humanities
- 79-281: Introduction to Religion
- 79-345: The Roots of Rock and Roll, 1870-1970
- 79-350: Early Christianity
- 76-239: Introduction to Film Studies
- Business
- 70-122: Introduction to Accounting
- 70-497: Derivative Securities
- Statistics
- 36-350: Statistical Computing
- 36-401: Modern Regression
- 36-402: Advanced Data Analysis
- 36-461: Topics in Statistics
- Music
- 57-209: The Beatles
- 57-301: Bagpipe History
- 57-332: Introduction to Conducting
- Drama
- 54-192: Acting for Non-Majors
- Languages
- 82-111: Elementary Arabic I
- 82-112: Elementary Arabic II
- Science
- 03-121: Modern Biology
- 03-310: Introduction to Computational Biology
- 33-106: Physics I for Engineering Students
- Information Systems
- 67-475: Information Systems Applications
- Engineering and Public Policy
- 19-635: Cybersecurity and the Future of the Internet
- 19-618: Terror and Mass Destruction: Future Threats and Current Responses
- Psychology
- 85-355: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
- 85-390: Human Memory
- 85-395: Applications of Cognitive Science
- 85-406: Autism: Psychological and Neuroscience Perspectives
- 85-414: Cognitive Neuropsychology
- 85-419: Introduction to Parallel Distributed Processing
- 85-429: Cognitive Brain Imaging
- English
- 76-372: Introduction to Journalism
- 76-375: Magazine Writing
- 76-391: Document Design
- 76-395: Science Writing
- 76-441: Chaucer
- 76-472: Advanced Journalism
- 76-476: Rhetoric of Science
- 76-496: Software Documentation
feb 11 2011 ∞
oct 9 2012 +