#1 requirement: blue skies and sunshine. Temperature may vary.
- Wake up at 7am after falling asleep at 10pm the night before
- Don slippers and fuzzy robe!
- Make fancy herbal tea
- Curl up in the chair by the window, where the light streams in mottled between the tree branches
- Read the NY Times. And the NY Times magazine. And the NY Times Book Review
- Around 10am, eat omelets with the family while we talk and listen to Breakfast with the Beatles
- Take a shower (Late morning showers are the best!)
- Meet up with friends and go to a museum, preferably somewhere where the views are stunning and the architecture and gardens gorgeous
- Have a late lunch at the museum cafe (gourmet salad and cool tea drinks....)
- Finish up at the museum, return home, grab bikes, and bike with family to the beach
- Get take-out Mexican to eat on a blanket on the beach while watching the sunset
- Stop at Cold Stone or Yogurtland on the way home
- Put on warm and comfy PJs. Watch a movie with the family, or read a novel until I fall asleep
#2 requirement: Homework all done beforehand and no school on Monday!