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Una palermitana a Toronto che ha nostalgia della sua isola e di casa; fragile e sensibile; ingenua e romantica; amante del mare; in cerca di se stessa, del suo posto nel mondo e di scoprirsi donna; voglia di vivere, di amare, di affermarsi; tanti piccoli sogni da realizzare.

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  • Dyed your hair? No. I don't think I ever want to AND it wouldn't look good on me.
  • Pulled an all-nighter? Yes
  • Baked a cake? Yes. Apple cake and tiramisu are the easiest.
  • Fallen down in public? Yes, in the winter on ice mostly. Most recently in October 2010.
  • Fallen down the stairs? Yes, several times in high school.
  • Fainted in public? Yes!!! Many times.
  • Built something out of wood? Yes, my ottoman.
  • Burned yourself with a curling iron? Yes! Just did last week.
  • Been hit on by someone too old? Yes. Depending on who it is it can be flattering otherwise completely creepy.
  • Shopped at Home Depot? Yes, it takes forever to find stuff.
  • Lied about your age? Yes, though it doesn't do much of a difference.
  • Bought something at a yard sale? Yes. Sometimes you find great deals, just like I did last week with the embroidery hoops!
  • Been recovered at the hospital? Yes, in 1995 for asthma.
  • Made a prank call? No, though I wish I did.
  • Had a massage? Yes. It was very very nice.
  • Ridden a horse? Yes. When I was in grade 8. I would do it again.
  • Been lost? Yes!
  • Snuck out? No, but I wish I did.
  • Snuck someone in? No
  • Crashed at an event? Yes.
  • Lied about where you were going? Yes
  • Lied to your best friend? Yes
  • Met a stranger? Yes
  • Hated someone but loved them at the same time? Yes
  • Wanted to die? No, but I'm ok with the thought of dying. I just hope not to die a painful death.
  • Regret anything? A few things I did or say on the past. I try to have little regrets as possible now.
  • Lied to your parents? Yes. Who hasn't?
  • Done something stupid? Of course. I think I still do.
  • Made someone cry? Yes.
  • Wanted someone to die? No, that's just cruel.
  • Made a best friend? Yes, I did with Teresa and Elisa.
  • Hated the way someone changed? Yes
  • Cried over something dumb? Yes!
  • Been in a fight? Yes, but with Jenn I make up after 5 minutes. I got in a fight with Serena in grade 5 and it seemed such a big deal then and now I can't remember why I was mad at her.
  • Cuddled for more than an hour? Yes
  • Been cheated on? I hope not.
  • Been lied to? Yes
  • Cried over a bf/gf? Yes, it's the most painful thing one goes through.
  • Cried yourself to sleep? Yes, mostly recently in the last few weeks.
  • Been dumped? Yes. I don't care about the dumping as much as how I have been dumped. Guys who disappear just lose all my respect.
  • Missed someone? Yes
  • Met someone who changed your life? Yes
  • Been insulted? Yes. Hate those mafia insults/jokes.
  • Been in an abusive relationship? No, but in an abusive friendship yes.
  • Been bullied? Yes
  • Been on tv? No, but when I was 6 I auditioned for Zecchino d'oro
  • Been outside your comfort zone? Yes
  • Have you ever traveled without paying for the ticket? Yes, in Italy.
  • Have you ever met someone who has six fingers? Yes, in Italy. It was the pharmacist.
  • Have you ever walked into a window because it was just that clean? Yes! I laughed at myself and hurt my nose but hoped no one saw.
  • Cook for more than 20 people? Cooked for 50 people at St. Mike's. Fun times :)
  • Been trapped in an elevator? No, but I had a dream of being trapped in one so I try not to use them unless I have to.
  • Sung in public? Yes, in the choir.
  • Played an instrument in public? If and when I get better on the guitar, I would like to
  • Milked a cow? No, but I would love to try
  • Received a love letter? No, but someday...if people still do such thing
  • Seen a car accident? Yes
jun 5 2011 ∞
jul 11 2011 +