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Una palermitana a Toronto che ha nostalgia della sua isola e di casa; fragile e sensibile; ingenua e romantica; amante del mare; in cerca di se stessa, del suo posto nel mondo e di scoprirsi donna; voglia di vivere, di amare, di affermarsi; tanti piccoli sogni da realizzare.

listography NEW NEWS
  • CONFUSED (this is not random but rather specific)
  • what to doooooooooooooooooooooo?
  • where can I find an drive-in theatre in Toronto? and how to go without a car?
  • these lectures really remind me why I love Italian so much
  • that Korean kid's story broke my heart
  • will I find chocolate Cheerios on June 21st?
  • hates Canada Post's strike
  • undecided on whether or not to the Columbus Centre event on June 25th
  • there are so many sleazy politicians (Spitzer, Weiner, Edwards, Schwarzenegger)
  • how many restaurants would I be able to cross off the list during Summerlicious?
  • Dani Shay is awesome
  • Sebestian Pigott is ever so GORGEOUS!!!
jun 8 2011 ∞
jul 11 2011 +