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Una palermitana a Toronto che ha nostalgia della sua isola e di casa; fragile e sensibile; ingenua e romantica; amante del mare; in cerca di se stessa, del suo posto nel mondo e di scoprirsi donna; voglia di vivere, di amare, di affermarsi; tanti piccoli sogni da realizzare.

listography NEW NEWS
  • People slurping tea/coffee/ soup
  • Moving things around on my desk when mom comes to use the computer
  • Telemarketers
  • Rosanna being late
  • Chemical smell in mani/pedi salons
  • Forgetting passwords
  • slow internet connection
  • junk mail
  • people trying to make you sign up for credit cards
  • TTC disruptions
  • Email spam
  • Construction work that causes delays
  • Weather predictions that are wrong
  • Not being able to find something in my purse ie keys, phone
  • Getting eyelash in eye
  • Eating on wet dishes/glasses/cutlery
  • Finding a good/cool website and then searching for it again because I forgot to bookmark it or page/browser quitted on me
  • Using shortcuts and closing windows by mistake
  • Jen's humnming
  • Street lights that start to count down as soon as the pedestrians start to cross.
apr 23 2011 ∞
may 12 2011 +