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Una palermitana a Toronto che ha nostalgia della sua isola e di casa; fragile e sensibile; ingenua e romantica; amante del mare; in cerca di se stessa, del suo posto nel mondo e di scoprirsi donna; voglia di vivere, di amare, di affermarsi; tanti piccoli sogni da realizzare.

listography NEW NEWS
  • 1: Che Dio Ci Aiuti marathon.
  • 2: Respong to emails: Terry, Dani, Tony, Simon, and CS msgs. Bellissimo il film Maria di Nazaret. Nervous about EQAO.
  • 3: 5am wakeup. Survived EQAO Grade 10 Literacy marking day 1! Marked 125 exams
  • 4: EQAO Day 2! 13 hour day. Marked 444 exams
  • 5: EQAO Day 3! 15 hour day Marked 491 exams
  • 6: Some stupid person put a couch on fire
  • 7: Love Heat n' Bond!!! Who Do You Think You Are?
  • 8: Happy Easter. Sewing marathon. So happy about the pocket pouch inside the handbag and how the gingham looks.
  • 9: EQAO Day 4! Marked 492 exams
  • 10: EQAO Day 5 lunch with Melina. Marked 457 exams
  • 11: EQAO Day 6. Treat day with poutine. The Hangover II. Found possible accomodation through CS!
  • 12: Lunch with Tony- Love 10$ lunches- pho and bubble tea! Shopping: CB shorts, Hollister tee
  • 13: amazing seafood dinner with Anna and Mario
  • 14: Love doing science boards! Made a cover for my flar iron.
  • 15: Love Challah bread!
  • 16: Shopped at Walmart- really good prices on food. Pouch made with flex frame
  • 17: Worked on the display board.
  • 18: Prosecutor Princess marathon has begun!
  • 19: Read 2/3 of Safe Haven. Mi fai muro 1
  • 20: Lorax, Lorax What Do You See? Mi fai muro 2
  • 21: Finished PP and display board. Should have gone to City of Craft! Forgot laminator on...ooops! Mi fai muro 3. Maroon 5- Payphone. Billy Currington...oi oi oi
  • 22: Earth Day. Queen Margherita was really good!
  • 23: IRIS and Athena- Love korean dramas!!!!
  • 24: Love HM!!!! Want that beige dress!
  • 25: Got my sun hat. Cute square coin purse. To delete or not to delete. Cuts life a knife
  • 26: Nervosaaaaaaaa. Asociale.
  • 27: Trip to Yorkdale. Love the 52C that took me to Lawrence in 10 mins
  • 28: Pasquetta picnic. Display board success. HM top. I Wanna Love You Forever heard a million times today.
  • 29: IRIS marathon
apr 2 2012 ∞
jan 3 2013 +