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Una palermitana a Toronto che ha nostalgia della sua isola e di casa; fragile e sensibile; ingenua e romantica; amante del mare; in cerca di se stessa, del suo posto nel mondo e di scoprirsi donna; voglia di vivere, di amare, di affermarsi; tanti piccoli sogni da realizzare.

listography NEW NEWS
  • 1: Sleeping for hours trying to get over the cold. WW4. So brave to have made reservations.
  • 2: Castle Marathon
  • 3: Stupid tokens. Razzisti di m----
  • 4: Pizzeria. Serata odiosa.
  • 5: Last night
  • 6: One Day
  • 7: Home
  • 8: Don't wanna go to school
  • 9: Not a bad day. LL Ride the first car
  • 10: Weird school at C&D. Undecided about blue suede pumps.
  • 11: Holly's V-Day Party. Did I idealize him?
  • 12: Styaing home and 4 hr naps. Yummy frullato!
  • 13: CASTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 14: Don't know whether to think it was a good VDay or an awkward one. Yari, Adam and Daniele. Cube personality test.
  • 15: San Faustino
  • 16: CASTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 17: Spa Day.
  • 18: The Blue Butterfly- Castle Beckett HOT HOT HOT. Pork bone soup and HEAT WAVE!
  • 19: Counting money
  • 20: Eaton Centre on Family Day. 20 minuts at VP
  • 21: Pancakes
  • 22: Ash Wednesday. Booked my ticket to Palermo. Finished Nutella.
  • 23: Really good the Don Cherry movie. Up and around Cedarbrae.
  • 24: Tutorino night really good. Saw Rachel. Mimmooooooo
  • 25: Meetup at Piola. Mariella, George Clooney and Paloma
  • 26: Met Lucy at Eaton and had a Blizzard
  • 27: Working the whole day on a functional resume. Hate it.
  • 28: Scott- a cross between Max and Simon. Nick so adorable and he told me I had a strong handshake
  • 29: Leap day. ATM blocked.
feb 3 2012 ∞
jan 3 2013 +