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Una palermitana a Toronto che ha nostalgia della sua isola e di casa; fragile e sensibile; ingenua e romantica; amante del mare; in cerca di se stessa, del suo posto nel mondo e di scoprirsi donna; voglia di vivere, di amare, di affermarsi; tanti piccoli sogni da realizzare.

listography NEW NEWS
  • 1: Perplexed, upset. Want to cry but it can't seem to come out.
  • 2: More lists. Biscotti jar.
  • 3: Nice chat with Silvana. Birthday ideas from Mike. Spammed on Gmail.
  • 4: Sense Appeal. Is Goblins on King St?. Tortellini e panna. Love Actually.
  • 5:Finding the write words to explain how I feel.
  • 6: Niente Paura- Pierfrancesco Gay.
  • 7: Grey's Anatomy's sooooooo good. Found a resume template that worked. Noxema.
  • 8: Back to work.
  • 9: Sewing class. Afternoon with Max at Marilyn Bell. Abalone is awesome!.
  • 10: Women Faith Sharing. Flowers bouquet. Doctor Zhivago.
  • 11: 40 minutes picking the right birthday card.
  • 12: I migliori anni. Innamorata delle canzoni di Baglioni. Omar Sharif speaks Italian!
  • 13: Banana pancakes +bacon lunch with Max.
  • 14: Teresa's dad passed away. Rosanna. Kelly @ Holts
  • 15: Bunny boy. Zelig 2011!
  • 16: Sewing Day 2. Max's 30th birthday.
  • 17: St. Norbert. Max in the PM. Tre Mari. Bicchiere di vino e un panino è la felicità.
  • 18: Supplying. Sleepy.
  • 19: Heart coffee dates at Starbucks. AGO. Thai food on Baldwin
  • 20: Home
  • 21: P.A day!!!! 11 Air Miles!
  • 22: Power outage at school
  • 23: -30C Are you kidding me? Excited about the new ottoman!
  • 24: Thinking of cowl scarves as my next project...
  • 25: Balmy weather. Paolo at BMO! Lee Valley legs for my ottoman!
  • 26: Graduation. Flowers from Max. Stolen wallet. La tigre e la neve.
  • 27: Lazy day at home
  • 28: Immaculate Conception
  • 29: Cannoli with the kids
  • 30: Sushi with Simona
  • 31: Ramona and Beezus. Cake Boss Italy. TPL?
jan 7 2011 ∞
jun 21 2011 +