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Una palermitana a Toronto che ha nostalgia della sua isola e di casa; fragile e sensibile; ingenua e romantica; amante del mare; in cerca di se stessa, del suo posto nel mondo e di scoprirsi donna; voglia di vivere, di amare, di affermarsi; tanti piccoli sogni da realizzare.

listography NEW NEWS
  • 1: Happy Birthday Canada. Polar pop. First patio drink was awesome
  • 2: Solitude e loneliness win today. Don't have the strength to chat me up in going out. Can't believe I'm missing the biggest events of the summer.
  • 3: Love the pinstriped dress. Loneliness and emptiness got the better of me this weekend. If July is going to be anything like these past two days, then I want this month to be over already.
  • 4: AQ not as scary as I thought it would free. Free coffee card.
  • 5: Lunch on the rooftop patio is great despite having lunch alone.
  • 6: Love Scripture and Liturgy class. Birthday freebie #1: 24oz Booster Juice smoothie :)
  • 7: Draw you and God on the same page using any image you want. Birthday freebie #2: Baskin and Robbins ice cream
  • 8: Got into greenthumb mode today :)
  • 9: ABSOLUTELY SORE! A perfect summer afternoon. Struggling on a two-page paper!!!!
  • 10: Peace and silence
  • 11: Survived the night with minor attack. Gospel of LUKE is awesome!
  • 12: Picture in a frame. What have you come to believe about life? Purolator sucks.
  • 13: Wednesday afternoon matinee: St. Ralph. More wipes. Freeeeezing cold in class.
  • 14: The ethics of prostitution. What is faith? How do you picture God?
  • 15: Mindfulness training
  • 16: Summerlicious lunch at Ouzeri
  • 17: Ultimo 1, 2
  • 18: My life timeline and changes in God, church and faith
  • 19: -1 day
  • 20: Up at 4am. Faith sharing ->train on the tracks
  • 21: On edge. Ice cream social. Meetup. 50 degrees!
  • 22: Not the Friday I wanted.
  • 23: Afternoon at the AGO- wow. Asian Night Market in the evening (caught in the downpour, yikes!)
  • 24: Love Mad Italian gelato.
  • 25: Rain, rain, rain. Loves HM-> cute dress.
  • 26: Loved grocery shopping in Chinatown
  • 27: Fresh Wednesday! Got library card back!
  • 28: Dancing to Roberta Bonanno's Per un attimo. Pizza tonight. Thank for for my integrity. Still comes off as a perfect.
  • 29: Another crappy boring day at home
  • 30: Waited 75 mins and finally snapped. Patience pushed to the limit
  • 31: Digging Pandora bracelets
jul 1 2011 ∞
aug 1 2011 +