- 1: Corduroy clutch with bracelet just lovely.
- 2: Amazing day at Piazza Italia. David Rocco is such a stuck up snob!
- 3: In bed all day.
- 4: Kids vs parents game day :)
- 5: Un colpo all'anima. 2 dresses. Extremely, extremely grateful.
- 6: Did I make the wrong decision?
- 7: Prof Mollica's lecture was great! Mandare CR a quel paese so' soddisfazioni
- 8: Prof Giovanni Scarola is my italiese hero!
- 9: Kudos to Dani Shay- enough with Beiber!
- 10: Che finale di Squadra Antimafia. Da paura!
- 11: Last day of class. Kids' gifts. Revising lessons and prepping for next year
- 12: Roncesvalles. Gladstone Hotel Melody Bar and Camparino. Poutini's 2nd anniversary 2 for 1 poutine. Obstacle course was so much fun!
- 13: Best night sleep I've had in two weeks. Squeaky cheese exists! Such pretty navy top I bought!
- 14: AQ class tonight. Mary is getting married!
- 15: SEBASTIAN PIGOTT! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! HM has really nice stuff, why didn't I shop here before?
- 16: Thank goodness for Spatalian
- 17: Se lo dicono Teresa ed Elisa... Luminato and bra shopping
- 18: 1000 Tastes of Toronto
- 19: Meetup in Little Italy. Erica's house on Palmerston Blvd. Saw Adam McDonald!!!!!!
- 20: Trying Just The Way You Are on the guitar. Heart F chord
- 21: Hello summer :) New haircut. Difficult decision
- 22: Can't find the words.
- 23: Playing Go Fish with 5 Grade 8 boys.
- 24: Ce la farò?
- 25: Inspire 2011. Day with Rick Campanelli-priceless! On a Martini Rosso quest in Little Italy. Free beer! Free candy!
- 26: It's not like other Sundays.
- 27: Non vorrei ma mi tocca mettermi alla cerca... ma chi trovo poi?
- 28: Nothing better than handing out freezies at play day
- 29: Walk up to Cederbrae and ice cream. Glamping
- 30: Last day
may 31 2011 ∞
jun 30 2011 +