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Una palermitana a Toronto che ha nostalgia della sua isola e di casa; fragile e sensibile; ingenua e romantica; amante del mare; in cerca di se stessa, del suo posto nel mondo e di scoprirsi donna; voglia di vivere, di amare, di affermarsi; tanti piccoli sogni da realizzare.

listography NEW NEWS
  • 1: Immaculate Conception
  • 2: Ma quanto parla Francesca? Lots of dvds. New bank card.
  • 3: I can't believe I threw up.
  • 4: Feeling poopy. Pallida
  • 5: Watching Boys Over Flowers
  • 6: First visit to the doc. Thrill issues.
  • 7: 5 vials of blood. Michela is soo cute!
  • 8: afternoon in Chinatown
  • 9: brownies, ice cream sandwiches
  • 10: USB dog, David Rocco at Zaza
  • 11: Oliveri's Italian sausage tortellini, Horlicks. Daylight saving time- up from 4am to 6am and job hunting
  • 12: Brillian Legacy marathon. Chinatown shopping.
  • 13: Window-shopping at STC. Pizza with Michela at Mercanti
  • 14: Finished Brillian Legacy- why the crappy endings?
  • 15: Lovely lunch at the Gardiner CafĂ© inside the Gardiner Museum. Jake and Leslie so hot in French :D
  • 16: such warm day feels like may-june. sushi. hm blazer
  • 17: pho delicious. bubble tea. hm shopping
  • 18 clutches marathon
  • 19: S. Giuseppe. Business card holder so cute. Pinning on Pinterest. So many cool ideas.
  • 20: Love the grey blazer! Walked with Nick.
  • 21: Che caldooooo. Why doesn't the 41 Keel bus pass that often anymore?
  • 22: Rosie wants to hook me on dates wtf! On Pinterest a million times a day! Horoscope says that work affairs should turn abour from this half of the month. I hope soooo!!!
  • 23: Pieraccioni's marathon. Rosie's bday. On Pinterest a million times a day!
  • 24: Yummy tripe lunch. Hooked on Never Had A Dream Come True by SCLUB7. Rosie's bday at Remy's worst food I ever had!
  • 25: Olive oil tasting amazing!
  • 26: Saltata mezza giornata.
  • 27: Eye doc. Applied EQAO. I Miss My Friend by Darryl Worley.
  • 28: Can't believe of stalker in our group. Treat Day at St. Angela. Found spring bingo and lovely art handbook. Picked for EQAO.
  • 29: Pho. Fabric picking at The Workroom. New heels from Globo. Canada is going to pull out the penny from circulation by the end of the year.
  • 30: Revamping my resume again. Visual CVs as option
  • 31: Feel and scraped hand. Earth Hour.
mar 1 2012 ∞
jan 3 2013 +