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Una palermitana a Toronto che ha nostalgia della sua isola e di casa; fragile e sensibile; ingenua e romantica; amante del mare; in cerca di se stessa, del suo posto nel mondo e di scoprirsi donna; voglia di vivere, di amare, di affermarsi; tanti piccoli sogni da realizzare.

listography NEW NEWS
  • 1: Annual financial checkup. Starting on mutual funds.
  • 2: Gnomeo and Juliet
  • 3: Figuring Static FBML/ ShortStack App on Facebook
  • 4: Life As We Know It. Sposami- l'amore e' un'energia rinnovabile. Dove la trovo la forza per amarti di nuovo? Facebook page all ready to gooo!!!
  • 5: A lesson on love in Paper Heart. Taste of Morocco: homemade lamb tagine soooooooooo gooooood!!!!
  • 6: Looooove Sposami
  • 7: Finally have a copy of the Christmas tombola
  • 8: Found the perfect plush Christmas hat
  • 9: Quick trip to Yorkdale Love the 52C/59 bus
  • 10: First pho of the season
  • 11: Remembrance Day
  • 12: Can't believe all the movies you can download from YT!
  • 13: A touch of Paris here in Toronto :) Love Crêpes à GoGo!
  • 14: Love treat day!
  • 15: Love Audrey Hepburn in Charade
  • 16: Korean lunch and shopping
  • 17: Bought more shoes, Korean leftovers, Cary Grant
  • 18: Love Hallmark's How To Fall In Love!
  • 19: Love when assemblies make me skip 3 classes; Year of Faith travelling cross
  • 20: Emotional Sex by Chad David
  • 21: First ICFF meeting
  • 22: Twitter is starting to get to me...looking for sponsor pages
  • 23: Maison Mercer/TIFF
  • 24: Crepe Tova is sooo goood!!!!
  • 25: First snow flurries
  • 26: Rob Ford got sacked
  • 27: Rosewater facial. Una di quelle giornate dove mi sento un po' persa.
  • 28: Vedere la sua foto sul sito e sprofondare
  • 29: Ottima cioccolata calda. Crocheted coaster from a 19th century pattern.
  • 30: They said someone from my past will came back into my life. Not true.
nov 1 2012 ∞
jan 3 2013 +