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Una palermitana a Toronto che ha nostalgia della sua isola e di casa; fragile e sensibile; ingenua e romantica; amante del mare; in cerca di se stessa, del suo posto nel mondo e di scoprirsi donna; voglia di vivere, di amare, di affermarsi; tanti piccoli sogni da realizzare.

listography NEW NEWS
  • 1: Upset at the CNE. Drinks at Rivoli so cool. Need to bring out my inner Kim Kardashian for Thompson in two weeks.
  • 2: Niagara Falls and ride on new TTC train!!!
  • 3: Handmade business cards. Chinese waffles and Harbourfront
  • 4: Coloring
  • 5: Labour Day- Royal Pains marathon. Cover letters exhaustion!
  • 6: Meetup is the best night of the week. "Josephine, you're worth slouching for"- Ben
  • 7: Loves Clubs Day.
  • 8: Love new HM scarf! Love excel
  • 9: Welcome BBQ at CIE. Drowning in samosa and cupcakes
  • 10: Now I know how to isolate colours on photoshop!
  • 11: 10th anniversary of 9/11
  • 12: Women faith sharing at SMC. I obviously talked to the wrong person.
  • 13: Excruciating pain. Meetup. Anderson Cooper should stick to his night job.
  • 14: Things are starting to make sense...but at a cost.
  • 15: Town Crier Pub
  • 16: Apartment viewings and lunch with Ben
  • 17: First day registration just 10 kids
  • 18: +3. Story of the blind girl brought me to tears "I love you very much. Take care of your new eyes for before they were you they were mine."
  • 19: U and D. Drafting a plan
  • 20: Filmini. Tigrotti! I know what Meredith feels.
  • 21: An all too familiar story is repeating again and God I pray I'm wrong. Uomini e donne is getting interesting
  • 22: So happy I got the boot fixed. Anderson Cooper had his mom on the show and is an honourable man.
  • 23: European Language Day
  • 24: Crazy first day of class; Enfamil
  • 25: Goong
  • 26: Goong marathon. Victoria's Secret gift card in the mail. On finding the right words....
  • 27: Rivoli. Elections debate.
  • 28: City Hunter
  • 29: CIE volunteers sushi lunch
  • 30: Won free Spanish course.
aug 30 2011 ∞
sep 30 2011 +