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Una palermitana a Toronto che ha nostalgia della sua isola e di casa; fragile e sensibile; ingenua e romantica; amante del mare; in cerca di se stessa, del suo posto nel mondo e di scoprirsi donna; voglia di vivere, di amare, di affermarsi; tanti piccoli sogni da realizzare.

listography NEW NEWS
  • 1: ❤ Alessia, age 6 asked "Miss, why aren't you married?"
  • 2: ❤ "Miss, do you have a boyfriend?" No, I dont. "Do you wish you had one?" Yes, I do.
  • 3: ❤ Starbucks Frappuccino Happy Hour
  • 4: ❤ QMP pizza con i ragazzi
  • 5: ❤ moving stuff into the new house, bubble tea on Spadina, Patio drinks with Andy and the girls
  • 6: ❤ anelletti
  • 7: ❤ the Junction
  • 8: ❤ track and field
  • 9: ❤ arancini
  • 10: ❤ focaccia
  • 11: ❤ Mona Lisa and passing teaching evaluation
  • 12: ❤ Homesense
  • 13: ❤ Chris Hadfield
  • 14: ❤ Apero at The Bedford Academy
  • 15: ❤ To Love You More- Lea Michele
  • 16: ❤ Il Dentone-Alberto Sordi; il primo giorno del resto della mia vita
  • 17: ❤ Victory Day long weekend
  • 18: ❤ Ikea
  • 19: ❤ Rosso San Valentino
  • 20: ❤ bangles bollywood style
  • 21: ❤ Apero at Pour Boy
  • 22: ❤ pink TicTacs
  • 23: ❤ Give In To Me- Jason Blaine
  • 24: ❤ plum plates from Ikea
  • 25: ❤ BAHN MI BOYS kalbi sandwich!
  • 26: ❤ discussing Good Time For A Change
  • 27: ❤
  • 28: ❤ Raspberry beer at Victory Cafe (tiè)
  • 29: ❤ Beatrice's hugs, macchina rigata Aldo Giovanni Giacomo
  • 30: ❤ Fruli strawberry beer
  • 31: ❤ Rookie Blue
may 1 2013 ∞
aug 25 2013 +