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Una palermitana a Toronto che ha nostalgia della sua isola e di casa; fragile e sensibile; ingenua e romantica; amante del mare; in cerca di se stessa, del suo posto nel mondo e di scoprirsi donna; voglia di vivere, di amare, di affermarsi; tanti piccoli sogni da realizzare.

listography NEW NEWS
  • Do you have faith big enough like a grain of mustard seed?- Marilyn
  • Who cares! You're not going to see these people again!- Jenn
  • Don't listen to what people say.- Jenn
  • Puoi fare in un ora cio che non hai fatto in una vita (You can do in an hour what you never did in a lifetime)- Giusy
  • Get them from the waiting list to the dating list- Rosanna
  • Don't waste the pretty- Greg Behrendt
  • Devi fare l'amore con tutta l'Italia (You have to make love with all of Italy)- Carlo Settembrini
  • If you're not sure, the answer is probably no- Oprah
  • It's not your job to take on other people's problems- Ms. Bernardelli
  • Wherever you are in your faith journey, this is where you're meant to be- Ann McGowan
  • Basta (lauree)! Vai a lavorare! (Enough degrees! Get a job!)!- Carlo Settembrini
  • Quando ingrana l'amore, ingrana tutto (When you have love, everything else falls into place)- Tommaso
  • After the second 'no', I get it. I back off. - Prof. Carson
  • I wish for you to meet a good guy who loves you.- Taline
  • Overthinking leads to negative thoughts
  • I haven't reached the point where I can say "F*** it!!!!!!"- Andy M.
  • Frequentalo come amico per ritrovare la fiducia in te stessa e negli uomini- Aurelia
  • Live Hard. Socialize Hard. Relax Hard.- Andy M.
jun 13 2011 ∞
mar 10 2013 +