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Una palermitana a Toronto che ha nostalgia della sua isola e di casa; fragile e sensibile; ingenua e romantica; amante del mare; in cerca di se stessa, del suo posto nel mondo e di scoprirsi donna; voglia di vivere, di amare, di affermarsi; tanti piccoli sogni da realizzare.

listography NEW NEWS
  • Teresa: that her grieving period comes to an end and that she start to laugh again
  • Rosanna: that she has an amazing 26th year and that she finally gets a permanent job
  • Luigi: that he enjoys his new job in Kazakhstan and that he isn't too homesick.
  • Simon: that he finds peace
  • JP: that he doesn't find his new life in Ottawa daunting
  • Jen: that she continues to enjoy her time in Italy despite how tough it is to live there. Age doesn't really matter and issue is blown out of proportion
  • Elisa: that she doesn't get bogged down by self-esteem issues
  • Louis: that he keeps on being strong and doesn't succumb to his illness
mar 27 2011 ∞
may 12 2011 +