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Una palermitana a Toronto che ha nostalgia della sua isola e di casa; fragile e sensibile; ingenua e romantica; amante del mare; in cerca di se stessa, del suo posto nel mondo e di scoprirsi donna; voglia di vivere, di amare, di affermarsi; tanti piccoli sogni da realizzare.

listography NEW NEWS
  • Silvio Berlusconi
  • high unemployment rate for youth and graduates
  • pension plan in Italy is generational
  • Mafia, Camorra, Ndrangheta have their hands in everything and everyone
  • intolerance and racism towards immigrants
  • Lega Nord
  • cuts to education and research mostly in public schools
  • government favours private schools over public schools
  • living on 800-1200 Euros a month
    • aka 1000 Euro Generation
  • no fresh blood
  • young people think that the only way to make it is to go on tv and participate in reality shows
  • prostitution is legal
  • traffic
  • purse snatchers and pickpockets
  • SLOW processing times for documents
  • LONG line ups at banks, post offices, police stations
  • when public servants don't have/know all the information, they refer you to someone, who will then refer you to someone else. Information received is scattered and you don't know what to believe.
  • "veline", "letterine", escort, prostitutes
  • reality shows
  • there hasn't been a strong, lasting government since the end of WWII
  • Entrepreneurs have problems opening activities
  • Infrastructure contracts are corrupt
  • All the serious money stays in the hands of few and never gets distributed among the masses.
  • Euro makes everything expensive
  • gypsies and ROM camps
  • infrastructural/transportation projects that have been started 10, 15, 20 years ago and have not been completed.
  • hours of operation in government offices
  • politicians create laws to protect themselves from being put on trial
apr 20 2011 ∞
jun 15 2011 +