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Una palermitana a Toronto che ha nostalgia della sua isola e di casa; fragile e sensibile; ingenua e romantica; amante del mare; in cerca di se stessa, del suo posto nel mondo e di scoprirsi donna; voglia di vivere, di amare, di affermarsi; tanti piccoli sogni da realizzare.

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  • No.151- When she pushes you away, pull her in closer.
  • No.152- Call her love. It sounds classy.
  • No.153- Tuck her hair behind her ear.
  • No.154- Never compare her with your ex-girlfriends. She is incomparable.
  • No.155- Never underestimate a girl’s ability to find things out.
  • No.156- If you fall in love with her, tell her. Just be prepared to catch her.
  • No.157- In the middle of a hug, squeeze a little harder. (she’ll love it, promise)
  • No.158- A gentleman always cheers for his hometown team. Win or lose.
  • No.159- A gentleman respects every women in his life. If you can’t respect your own mother, forget about respecting your girlfriend.
  • No.160- Stupid lame jokes; awkwardly adorable moments.
  • No.161- A gentleman never hits a girl, ever.
  • No.162- A gentleman always thinks before he says.
  • No.163- A gentleman is never rude.
  • No.164- A gentleman never breaks a promise.
  • No.165- Don’t try to out dress a woman. She should be the center of attention and should *Now feel that she’s under dressed.
  • No.166- A gentleman always dresses well.
  • No.167- Don’t just talk the talk.
  • No.168- Look people in the eyes when you greet them and shake their hand.
  • No.169- Never cut someone off.
  • No.170- If you’re trying to have a relationship, let the woman k*Now. If you’re *Not, and you’re just trying to hit, let them k*Now that, too.
  • No.171- Open doors. Pull out chairs. Let her order first. Simple manners.
  • No.172- *No, she doesn’t look fat in the dress. Yes, even if she does.
  • No.173- Give girls a little extra respect.
  • No.174- Secret rooftop meetings never gets old.
  • No.175- Calling her “baby,” will make her melt every time. Promise.
  • No.176- When listening to the radio, if a love song comes on, squeeze her hand tighter.
  • No.177- Your girlfriend is *Not the prettiest of them all, because in your eyes, she should be the only one who is pretty.
  • No.178- Confidence is sexy. Cockiness is *Not.
  • No.179- Hold her while she cries, *Nothing feels better.
  • No.180- When hugging her, lift her off her feet and spin her around. (she’ll love it.)
  • No.181- Always maintain eye contact. It lets her k*Now that you are only paying attention to her.
  • No.182- If you make her bite her lip, k*Now that you’re doing a damn good job at whatever you’re doing.
  • No.183- Hold her tight, she won’t want you to let go.
  • No.184- Make holding her hand too tight be the only way you can hurt her.
  • No.185- Kisses aren’t everything; never underestimate the power of a good hug.
  • No.186- Play with her fingers, she loves the way your hand touches hers.
  • No.187- Grand gestures and complimenting the little things aren’t opposites. Do both.
  • No.188- Don’t tell her your love is forever unless you have *No doubt it is.
  • No.189- Tell her all your sweet memories together. She’ll be smiling all day long k*Nowing that you remember every single moment you’re together.
  • No.190- If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy. If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing. If she’s worth it, you won’t give up. If you give up, you’re *Not worthy e*Nough.
  • No.191- A man’s biggest mistake is giving a*Nother man an opportunity to make his woman smile. If you love her, you shouldn’t be giving any guy that chance. It should be you making her smile.
  • No.192- Every gentleman should have at least one suit in his closet.
  • No.193- Good look’s just a bonus if you have a great personality.
  • No.194- If a girl admits that she likes you, k*Now that it took every ounce of courage in her to say that. Idiot, don’t take her for granted.
  • No.195- A gentleman should always have one good watch on his wrist. It’s a mark of character and dignity.
  • No.196- Gentlemen, wear a belt. It’s called underwear for a reason.
  • No.197- Don’t try to outdress a woman. She should be the center of attention and should *Not feel thats she’s underdressed.
  • No.198- Being open-minded and aware of the world around you shows class and sophistication, but avoid seeming pretentious by being modest instead of showing off what you k*Now.
  • No.199- Don’t ask about the last guy she was with. Being competitive is a young man’s game.
  • No.200- Avoid public fights with your woman. Keep things private to let her k*Now there’s an exclusive world that you and her share.
jul 29 2011 ∞
aug 22 2011 +