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Una palermitana a Toronto che ha nostalgia della sua isola e di casa; fragile e sensibile; ingenua e romantica; amante del mare; in cerca di se stessa, del suo posto nel mondo e di scoprirsi donna; voglia di vivere, di amare, di affermarsi; tanti piccoli sogni da realizzare.

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  • No.201- Avoid unnecessary use of expletives in public, especially in the presence of a woman you’re trying to impress.
  • No.202- If you want to leave her, leave her breathless. If you want to lie, lie next to her. If you want to let go, let go of your pride and pursue her.
  • No.203- Boasting about your intelligence isn’t attractive, neither is downplaying it.
  • No.204- Always keep the balance between obsession and apathy. Make her feel important but give her some space when she needs it.
  • No.205- Gentlemen, be aware that the line between confidence and arrogance is extremely thin.
  • No.206- Every girl wants that feeling of being wanted and belonged too. So gentlemen, give it to her. Give her your undivided attention, the best that you can give and offer her, and the best of the best that you k*Now she deserves.
  • No.207- Always kiss your lady’s hand. It will make her feel like a queen.
  • No.208- Apologize. You are *Not degrading yourself, you are showing that you care for that person’s feelings.
  • No.209- Don’t tell her you love her unless you really mean it. She might do something crazy, like believe it.
  • No.210- Nice guys finish last because they put their ladies first.
  • No.211- Don’t waste your time looking for all the wrong ones, when you already have the right one.
  • No.212- Whatever you give a woman, she’s going to multiply. If you give her sperm, she’ll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she’ll give you a home. So, if your give her any crap, you will receive a ton of shit.
  • No.213- Chivalry is very much alive. Just because a girl acts like she doesn’t care for those small things, inside she’s really looking for it.
  • No.214- Don’t bring up how many girls you’ve been with; it will *Not make you look better *Nor will it impress her.
  • No.215- Tell her *Nobody’s perfect, but she is as perfect as they come.
  • No.216- Allow your lady to walk ahead of you, *Not all over you.
  • No.217- Don’t tell her you love her, if you have a*Nother girl by your side.
  • No.218- A girl’s dream is to own something that belongs to you. When she has that, she feels extra close to you.
  • No.219- If you feel as if you’d die for her, live in such a way that she would k*Now.
  • No.220- Go ahead, take a punch for her, give one if necessary, just make sure she wasn’t the one that got hurt.
  • No.221- Sometimes you shouldn’t have to ask how she’s doing. Read the signs: look into her eyes.
  • No.222- Remember, whenever she finishes a sentence with “I’ve never told anyone that before,” make sure to never forget.
  • No.223- Real men never stop trying to show a girl how much she means to him, even after he’s got her.
  • No.224- Kiss her *Nose.
  • No.225- Give her something to tell her friends about.
  • No.226- A gentleman doesn’t need to hit a woman to feel like a “man”. After all, he is a gentle man.
  • No.227- If she worries about you, it just means she cares. But when she stops caring, that’s when you should be worried.
  • No.228- When she starts to let go during a hug, pull her even closer and hug her even tighter.
  • No.229- Just because she has dated douchebags doesn’t mean there isn’t any chance for a nice guy.
  • No.230- Don’t flip out when your girlfriend wonders who you’re with or what you’re doing. It means she cares and she’s actually afraid to lose you to someone else.
  • No.231- “Don’t date the most beautiful girl in the world, date the girl who makes your world the most beautiful.”
  • No.232- Spill your heart out to her; if she loves you she’ll love to listen.
  • No.233- “Anyone can be heroic form time to time, but a gentleman is something you have to be all the time.” -Luigi Pirandello
  • No.234- A boy makes his girl jealous of other women. A gentleman makes other women jealous of his girl.
  • No.235- A true gentleman should never take advantage of any lady.
  • No.236- When you’re holding hands, squeeze hers from time to time. It will surely make her look at you and smile.
  • No.237- When she rubs her arms with both hands, it’s a*Nother sign of saying, “Hug me, make me warm.”
  • No.238- Remember, she loves you for you. So don’t try to go around changing yourself just to impress her.
  • No.239- When you say ‘I love you’, say it in a way she’ll want to hear it. Look her in the eyes; grasp her hand; and lean close to her, so she k*Nows you’re truly serious.
  • No.240- If you aren’t treating her right, don’t be mad when somebody else does.
  • No.241- Never ever make a girl feel anything less than perfect.
  • No.242- A gentleman never lies to his woman. Ever.
  • No.243- A gentleman should always give up his seat for the elderly.
  • No.244- You came from a woman. So you have *No right to disrespect one.
jul 29 2011 ∞
aug 22 2011 +