list icon
  • spend time in my heart
  • listen to the silence between words
  • feel gratitude for all that i have
  • discover new ways of being
  • cherish all that i am
  • care for all that i am given
  • see beauty in the simple things
  • share what inspires me
  • hear what my intuition says
  • call on my guardian angels
  • give what i seek to recieve
  • find ways of being my Self
  • express what i love
  • light candles at night
  • write my feelings to friends
  • use the gifts of the flowers
  • keep dreams strong
  • retain the magic of childhood
  • imagine the life i desire
  • create peace in my heart mind and body
  • walk softly on Mother Earth
  • be aware of belonging
  • tune into Spirit
  • feel nourished by Life
  • and supported by a loving Universe
  • trusting in letting go
  • finding strength in vulnerability
  • always turn from fear to love
  • remember i am safe and loved
oct 8 2010 ∞
oct 8 2010 +