so i finally got around to watch perfect blue!!! it's all about psychological thriller; disturbing and disorienting movie that tells the story of a jpop idol who quits her idol life to pursue her acting career but loses her grip on reality when she got pursued by a crazy mysterious stalker; more like sasaeng as kpop stan called it. the r*pe scene destroyed me the most. mindfuck is it. the mastermind of all the murders and everything that happened in this film was really unexpected and unnecessary tbh. moreover, perfect blue delivers its message about harsh expectations of fame on celebrities and idols, and how it can drive them beyond sanity. the movie falls into niche category for anime films but that's definitely not a bad thing. the story starts off super by the numbers but that only lasts for 10 minutes then you slowly descend into this terrifyingly unnerving story. it keeps you guessing and purposely throws you off until the last 15 minutes of the film when suddenly it starts coming into play and making sense. my personal rating is 7/10, not that bad but i can't say it's a good movie. warning! i don't recommend perfect blue if you easily get triggered and there's a plenty bloody and/or murdering and r*pe scene through-out the movie that might be uncomfortable for some of you to watch. that's why i respect each women for most of the time exceptionally their manner and how they treat society. i remember being asked 'are you lesbian?' by my sis friends once she came to our house knowing my 85% collection are female idols lol where's the logic sweetie only bcs girls stanning and supporting other girls doesn't mean she would go on a date with other girls around. not to degrading any certain gender, but woman is the one who mostly gets sexual harrassment by those brand new assh*le called man. and then they would scream smth annoying AND disgusting such, "bajunya ngundang, sih!" NOOO YOU JACKASS JUST SAY YOUR BRAIN IS ONLY FULL OF FILTHY P*RN SHIT. NO FURTHER EXPLANATION. END. i don't want to be classified as feminist or any classy feminism movement bcs i don't fully support the idea of feminism itself in the first place, tapi ngerasa gak sih kalo cewek itu gampang banget dieksploitasi dan disalahin? contoh kecilnya, setiap ada kasus pemerkosaan, yang sering disalahin malah bajunya si cewek. dulu pun pernah booming sama tes keperawanan yg katanya digunain sebagai tolok ukur 'kesucian' seorang perempuan, atau belahan dada yg disensor seakan itu tuh bahaya banget buat diliat, padahal ya, penyebab utama pelecehan seksual itu (setidaknya menurut gue) bukan pakaian, wajah, atau badan cewek tapi si laki-laki yang emang gak tau diri itu sendiri. perfect blue bener-bener bikin hasrat buat ngetik super panjang yg ada di diri gue keluar setelah sekian lama gak ngutarain opini dan tafsir tentang film yg udah gue tonton. terakhir porco rosso, 4 bulan yg lalu but it wasn't impressed me enough; karena wow, banyak banget pemikiran yg bercokol di kepala gue setelah nonton film ini. kayak yg gue bilang di awal; dari segi plot, improvisasi karakter, dan tingkat estetika sebuah film, perfect blue gak bagus-bagus amat, tapi karna gue sendiri udah dari 8 tahun lalu ngerasain pahit manisnya jadi fangirl idol kpop, rasanya bisa relate banget sama seisi filmnya. well done, satoshi kon! i'm adding his anime films to my watching list now.

nov 12 2018 ∞
nov 12 2018 +