- The feel of clean sheets.
- The smell of sun-dried laundry.
- The fresh smell of earth after rain.
- A hot chocolate on a cold night.
- An icy cold glass of water on a hot day.
- A long hot shower after being caught in the rain.
- The smell of freshly baked bread.
- A slice of fresh bread with real butter.
- The feel of my husband's arms around me.
- The sound of my childrens' laughter.
- When my children say I love you.
- The smell of baking cakes.
- The feel of the sun on my back on a cold day.
- My childrens' excitement as they count down to Yule, Litha and birthdays.
- Speaking to my Mum on the phone.
- The smell (and taste!) of a sausage sizzle.
- The feel of a cool brreze on a hot summer night.
- The warmth of a campfire.
- The smell of meat roasting.
- The softness of a cat's fur.
- Sitting down after a long day on my feet.
- The sound of my husband breathing beside me at night.
jun 19 2010 ∞
jun 19 2010 +