• My public account is mostly art tbh, but you're free to talk to me there anytime as I do check my notifs everyday.
  • You are free to request to follow my private twitter, I would usually accept unless I feel like you would feel uncomfy and/or vice versa.
  • If you're a private twitter and you request to follow me, please accept my follow request as well for obvious reasons.
  • I may get suicidal at times on my private twitter although I am trying to limit it.
  • I rant about real life on my private
  • I enjoy really dark and messed up content in fiction, sometimes I tweet about it on my private.
  • My ships can be either sweet and wholesome or unhealthy/questionable depending on the scenario and/or AU. I would usually ship the same ship in both ways, you have been warned.
  • My current obsession is Hatoful Boyfriend
aug 10 2017 ∞
aug 14 2017 +