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things my friends say about me!

  • "me: katsuki kisses todo's face w his fist dia: (todo voice) my dad hits harder me: and that was the moment i knew i love you" -archie
  • "a blessing to the world, princess of the todororos" -adam
  • "my moonbeam, my guiding light, my Close Good Friend™" -cam
  • "todo memes such as tfw no gf (good father)" -rachel
  • “This fucker? So important. Very approachable. 10/10 would recommend—even if you're not good enough to be in Dia's presence.” -remmy
  • "tHIS BITCH DESERVES A SECOND TESTIMONIAL: she is good and cute and loves her friends with all her heart—be gentle with her," -remmy again
feb 22 2017 ∞
feb 22 2017 +