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We are stuck in a log cabin overnight during a snowstorm because of some stupid school team building exercise and it’s freezing and I can’t sleep and you can hear me shivering in the next bed so you pick me up and dump in your bed and good grief you are hot in every sense of the word’ au

Namjoon is scheduled to work with a new model, who is late on his first day. But when he sees him he completely forgets about anything.

Seokjin gives his cheating boyfriend Jeongguk a christmas treat

"what's your name?"

"jin-z, like jay-z, you know?" he says in completely accented english. one eye squints, body leaning forward as he makes hand motions.

namjoon suddenly regrets taking the offer to be a smtm producer.

Namjoon just moved in to his new apartment. On the first day itself, he heard his neighbour fighting and crying over the phone. The next day, he fell flat on his face and his pretty neighbour happened to be on his way out.

With their busy schedules, Namjoon and Jin haven't had much time for sex lately. Now that they do, they are gonna enjoy it.

Namjoon exudes power in everything that he does. From the bass of his voice that thrums low in Seokjin’s gut with every whisper and growl, to his stature as he looms over everyone (including those taller than him), to the way he swipes a once pristine cloth over the stainless metal of his guns, soaking up the blood and dirt medals earned from the nameless men killed at any given time.

A pink tongue slides over plump lips as Seokjin forces his eyes up to Namjoon’s own when he speaks again, going over their latest heists and how some grunts had nearly jeopardized things worth more than their lives warranted. It’s always amused Seokjin how out of the two of them, Namjoon is the boss. He’s a hustler in any and every sense of the world- and he’s entirely proud of it. Seokjin himself is one of Namjoon’s many prizes.

And as far as Namjoon is concerned, Seokjin’s only earned title is bitch.

A collection of events occurring within (and without) the walls of the Beta Tau Sigma fraternity house. At Beta Tau Sigma, there are only a few rules:1) have a declared major in the College of Music;2) keep your GPA above a 3.4;3) don't let Taehyung into the liquor cabinet;4) don't fuck up with Kim Seokjin. The rest is all fine print.

jan 21 2017 ∞
apr 6 2017 +