Kayla Adreanna Adryan Ezekiel Seraphina Aurelia Elysia Calista

Here I goes by the pronouns of she/her. Feel free to call me by any name that you feel like, but mostly people refer me as Rea.I am an INTP-T. My Zodiac is pisces. What else you need to know? Basic information is enough.

Oh and my main language is actually malay language and English.

apr 20 2022 ∞
jul 27 2024 +


  • tweet a lot about my rl stuff
  • rant a lot
  • talk too much about myself, more like my daily life
  • I'm simping a lot when it come to ateez and loona


  • You don't feel comfortable with my tweet that will make you trigger
  • don't like tweet consist cursing words
  • cause a drama
  • Homophobic or racist towards another races, religion, etc
  • Fanwar is definitely not allowed
apr 20 2022 ∞
apr 20 2022 +

Here is my current handles

  • naekyeongs
  • belleshyim
  • mokasakaei

In case you are unfamiliar, here is my previous handles

  • @_hasooyoungs
  • @HlEEZIN
apr 20 2022 ∞
jul 27 2024 +
  • TripleS
apr 20 2022 ∞
jul 27 2024 +