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"The first language humans had was gestures. There was nothing primitive about this language that flowed from people’s hands, nothing we say now that could not be said in the endless array of movements possible with the fine bones of the fingers and wrists."

listography NEW NEWS
  • attend Austin City Limits music festival
  • attend Bonnaroo
  • attend Coachella music festival
  • attend South by Southwest
  • become fluent in Spanish
  • bury a time capsule
  • crochet an amugurumi doll
  • drink coffee from the original Starbucks
  • fall in love
  • fly a kite
  • have a chocolate party
  • have a tea party
  • have a foreign pen pal
  • learn to play an instrument
  • make the noise Mr. Fox does in Fantastic Mr. Fox
  • paint a series of themed paintings
  • plant a tree
  • publish a short story
  • own every Aronofsky film
  • own every Sofia Coppola film
  • read all of Kerouac's works
  • read all of Palahniuk's works
  • read all of Vonneguts's works
  • read a poem every day for a year
  • read every Pulitzer Prize winner for fiction
  • ride in a hot air balloon
  • skip a stone
  • take a photo every day for a year
  • throw a book swap party x
  • write a book of philosophies
  • write a children's book
  • write a novel
  • write a poem every day for a year
  • write a screenplay
  • write a short story every week for a year
jun 19 2011 ∞
jun 1 2013 +