Oh, the stupidity..

  • the little bedside lamp i had burnt out, so i unscrewed the light bulb and stuck my finger in the socket, resulting in me getting a great jolt, which scared the crap right outta me. age 6
  • fallen while running up the stairs, laughed so hard that snot flew out of my nose, sneezing when food was in my mouth causing it to fly everywhere, going to take a drink from my pop can while watching a movie and spilling it all over my lap, talking to someone with food stuck in my braces, taken a shower and only shaved one armpit, tried laughing with my mouth shut and spitting all over myself, tripping over numerous chairs, tables & even feet! any age throughout my life
  • one summer, while playing tag in a friends front yard, i went to go dodge her 'tag' and jumped into the grass landing right in a nice pile of her dog's poop, while wearing my all time favorite shorts. age 13
  • standing up on the bus to get off while it was still in motion wasn't the brightest idea i'd ever had, and it being winter caused the aisle to be slippery enough that surely when the bus stopped i slipped and landed on my face, with the other passengers letting out a long slow 'ooooh' which altogether caused me to run home tears and all. age 15/16
  • one day i was getting ready to get off the bus that when the doors opened i was too busy staring at a boy i had a crush on standing across the street that when i stepped down from the bus i stepped on a patch of ice and landed right on my arse. age 15/16
  • on a rainy day, my bestfriend and i were standing on the sidewalk throwing out our empty tim horton cups next to this huge puddle, when some jerk comes speeding along in a blue jeep and rips through the puddle, absolutely covering us in water. we cried, although looking back now it was hilarious. age 12/13
  • being at work where if your behind someone and your holding a tray of drinks or dishes you should say behind just so they know that your there, well i was in front of someone and being so indecisive couldn't pick if i was going back to the front or not so i turned around and smacked right into a girl carrying a tray with martinis on it, spilling it all over and in my shirt, i smelt like booze for the rest of the night. age 15/16
jan 31 2009 ∞
nov 3 2009 +