- The Bible
- The Power of Integrity - John MacArthur
- Living By the Book - Howard Hendricks
- The Practice of Godliness - Jerry Bridges
- The Godly Man's Picture - Thomas Watson
- Knowing God - J.I. Packer
- Thoughts for Young Men - J.C. Ryle
- Disciplines for Life - C.J. Mahaney
- The Supremacy of God in Preaching - John Piper
- Let the Nations Be Glad - John Piper
- The Knowledge of the Holy - A.W. Tozer
- Jonathan Edwards - Iain Murray
- Stop Dating the Church - Joshua Harris
- How to Read a Book - Mortimer Adler (which I just can't seem to finish?)
apr 14 2006 ∞
apr 14 2006 +