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I am a big list dork. If it's not on the list in front of my face, it may never get done though. I hate being disorganized although it seems my house always is...I remember what a neat, organized freak I used to be. If my lists don't bore you, feel free to read:)

Adriana wishlist (Tsum Tsums)
  • I believe in God
  • I believe you don't have to necessarily live the Bible, but you do have to have a good heart to go to Heaven
  • I believe there are dogs and cats in Heaven
  • I believe we all have a soul mate. We may never find 'em, but they are out there somewhere.
  • I believe in destiny. Someone, namely my God, does have a plan for my life. It will go where ever he wants it to go, no matter what I do to get it there.
  • I believe every one should have rights....even the not yet born.
  • I believe we should TRY to love one another as ourself. And we should love all kids as if they are our own.
  • I believe in my husband.
  • I believe I am the best mother I know how to and can be. And that is all that matters there.
  • I believe if you have a few life long true friends you are a very lucky person.
  • I believe what goes around, comes around.
  • I believe every dog has it's day....and this goes with what goes around, comes around.
  • I believe in Santa Claus. If he lives in the minds of all the kids in the world he has to be real.
oct 24 2008 ∞
jan 12 2018 +