• People who say "You look tired". So rude.
  • Evan letting Max lick and lick his face/neck...so gross.
  • People who bum cigarettes from perfect strangers
  • Guys who wear their sunglasses on the back of their heads
  • Retail's insistence on rushing the seasons
  • Pronouncing "nuclear" as "nucular"
  • High fives (exception: at sporting events)
  • Movies that combine animation and live action
  • People who have stickers of how many kids they have on their back windows (They may as well hang a sign saying "Hello Child Molester following behind me! Come and take my children!")
  • Jersey Shore
  • Shakira
  • People who "parent" my child while I'm there
  • People who have "date nights" with their children. (Creepy!)
nov 27 2011 ∞
feb 7 2014 +