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  • don't follow me if you consider yourself an anti, anti-shipper, anti-kink, fandom purist, or anything of the sort. you aren't welcome here
  • likewise, terfs, transphobes, radfems, and other such monstrocities also aren't welcome. begone
  • i'd rather you don't follow if you're under 14 years old but i won't enforce it
  • i will talk about nsfw and mental health issues frequently and am generally pretty whiny. i think publicising things like this will help make them less taboo and spread awareness. i also give my opinions on just about everything whether it's welcomed or not
  • i smoke weed below the legal age and i often tweet when i am impared. if this will make you uncomfortable, you may not want to follow.
jan 7 2018 ∞
mar 11 2018 +