❀ if you're racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, etc

❀ if you believe that he/they lesbians and she/they gays are valid or are one of them

❀ if you believe that pronouns≠gender

❀ if you’re a tucute

❀ if you believe mogai identifies/sexualities are valid or associate yourself with mogai

❀ if you believe that neopronouns are valid (only some are acceptable)

❀ if you believe all microlables are valid (e.g. pansexual, polysexual, omnisexual, and etc.)

❀ if you were born after 2005 (i just don’t want literal children following my account)

❀ if you think MAPs/NOMAPs are valid

❀ if you're pro-life

❀ if you’re a fujoshi

❀ if you ship incest or pedophilia (fictional or not)

may 12 2020 ∞
jun 23 2020 +